This Countdown series was written and created with Instagram in mind. It has been republished here with little to no alteration.
Ahh the sheer unadulterated privilege involved in putting a country’s abandoned places on your top ten countdown. But what would us Westerners gush over if not Eastern Europe’s picturesque poverty?
As with anything, there are myriad reasons why Ukraine is home to so many abandoned places: the fall of the Soviet Union; unbridled corruption; the Holocaust; Chernobyl… and that’s just to name a few.
From my darkest early days of life in Dnipro, to this final Summer farewell tour – locating and entering abandoned places in Ukraine has taken up an alarming amount of my brain’s processing space.

You can read more about the abandoned city of Orbita here.

You can read more about abandoned places in Dnipro here.
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